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William Ford C of E Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.

At William Ford it remains the responsibility of the whole school community to safeguard our children. Please come and speak to us if you have any concerns about a child in the school.

Safeguarding Leads

If you ever have a concern about a child or young person in school, or you are a pupil in our school who is worried, upset or concerned for their own safety, please speak to one of the following people without delay.

Mr. David Huntingford — Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mr. Lee Buckingham — Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs. Louise Legg — Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs. Jade Beech — Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs. Kerry Noakes — Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs. Sue Finch — Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

If you ever have a concern regarding the conduct or behaviour of a member of staff, this should be addressed with the headteacher, Mr Huntingford, without delay.  If you have a concern regarding the Headteacher, this should be discussed with the Chair of Governors, who can be contacted via the school office, or reported to the local authority using the below number. 

Our safeguarding poster is displayed around the school for staff and pupils to have access to all the information available.

Useful Links

If you have a concern about a child which you do not wish to discuss with the school, please contact-

London Borough of Barking and Dagenham MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) — from 9am to 4:45pm, Monday to Friday

Tel: 020 8227 3811

Out of hours duty team from 4:45pm to 9am, Monday to Friday, weekends and bank holidays  

Tel: 020 8594 8356

Y6 Safeguarding and transition session

Y6 Safeguarding and transition session Year 6 Transition Workshop