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Lunchtime Performance

This week Joanna, Ajwa and Violet from Year 5 tell us about a lunchtime performance.

We decided to perform this play as Ajwa went home and wrote a script for us and suggested it would be fun to perform the play for everyone at lunchtime. We asked some of our friends to be actors in the play and we used our dressing up clothes from lunchtimes to get into character.  Mrs Baxter also helped us set up the performance and we would like to say thank you to her for this. Ajwa also advertised by making posters so that our friends at school knew when it was going to happen. Ajwa: "I was very proud of myself and everyone else when I saw all of the children in the audience watching us!"  The play was called 'The Wedding' and was about a wedding that went very wrong - maybe ask your child if they watched it for more detail.  It was so successful that we are going to practise and perform another play next week at lunchtime about an African family and it is called 'If I catch you'. We hope that the pupils enjoy this one too!

More photos can be seen here: William Ford Junior School - Lunchtime Performance (