This week Cherie, Mercy and Ayaana from 4D tell us about Ford Fest
Ford Fest was so much fun. All the year groups sold different things and in year 4 we made yummy Rice Crispie cakes. We could also buy drinks from year 5, ice cream and ice poles (which was lovely and refreshing as it was sooooo hot!) from year 3 and iced biscuits from year 6. There were also lots of activities we could do, such as festival games, bouncy castles and gymnastics and more. Mercy: "I won the raffle! I was so happy and surprised I've never won before, and I got to choose a prize. My favourite part of Ford Fest was everything - it was so good I can't decide!" Cherie: "I loved it. The best part for me was the bouncy castles - I went on them so much!" Ayaana: "I loved the gymnastics in the sports hall where you could run and practice backflips on an inflatable run up. I also really liked the bouncy castles too."
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Here is the video of our Whole School Flash Mob...