Summer Two Year Five- How you can support your child at home
English: English skills with story or challenge game modes can be found here: KS2 English free game - Grammar, spelling and punctuation for primary school pupils - Crystal Explorers - BBC Bitesize Please also ensure that your child is reading for at least 10 minutes each day and talk to them about their book.
Maths: Ensure that your child is using TTrockstars at home – this should be 15 minutes a day to ensure fluency. Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars ( Please ask your child's class teacher for their login if they have forgotten. Another site to practise times tables and mental maths can be found here: - Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Encourage your child to explain the maths concepts and skills they are learning to you - they could play the role of a teacher. Activities that you can do with your child to improve a range of their maths skills can be found here: Primary Parents ( Practice their arithmetic skills to improve speed and accuracy. There are many free resources that help with this such as - Tools for Maths Teachers. Maths skills with different weekly challenges can be found here: KS2 free maths game - Primary mathematics skills - Times tables, multiplication, division, algebra, fractions and decimals - BBC Bitesize
Science: Visit Living-things-and-their-habitats-Y5-1.pdf ( for some interesting investigations the children could undertake to support their learning in plants.
History: Watch video , look at the following page Complete the games and activities from the Museum of Science and Technology in Islam by visiting
Geography: Visit the Thames in London. Look at the bridges and buildings that can be seen alongside. Take a trip on the Thames. Visit the visitor centre at the Thames Barrier.
RE: The children can visit: and follow through the pages about Islam.
DT: To support in their Structures unit, you could visit some famous bridges in London and compare them with bridges they may see locally.
Computing: Children look at how the Mars Rover has been designed and how it uses technology to send information back down to earth. The children could try and design their very own Mars Rover TechCard-Mars-Rover-2.pdf
Art: Research the following well-known artists, such as Banksy, Rorschach, as well as using the styles of pictographs and emojis. Who is Banksy? | KS2 Art and Design | Primary - BBC Bitesize
PE: To support your child, you could research gymnastics and athletics, using the following and Athletics - an overview and history of the sport - Athletics - factfile - GCSE Physical Education Revision - WJEC - BBC Bitesize
PSHE: Information about how the body changes and relationship advice and support is available on the following websites: Healthy relationships | NSPCC and Microsoft Word - Jigsaw and Sex Education.docx (
French: Encourage your child to share the new vocabulary learnt in French naming family members in French. The following website contains activities and videos linked family: KS2 French - BBC Bitesize