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Religious Education Statement 


  • Our R.E curriculum is built to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. 

  • Our R.E. curriculum equips children with an understanding of diverse people, religious beliefs and cultures. 

  • Our R.E. curriculum is broad and balanced. It is taught as a discrete subject as we believe this approach fully immerses our children within Religious Education. It encourages them to develop their religious literacy and encourages them to develop deeper questioning, reflection skills and philosophical thinking. 

  • Where meaningful,  our R.E. curriculum has links with other subjects to encourage our pupils understanding and to apply their learning to different contexts ( for example in Year Three, through the Creation unit and the Incarnation unit, links are made with English as the children study poetry. In Year 6, R.E. links with science as the children compare the creation story with the Big Bang theory.) 

  • As reading and writing skills are essential in becoming life-long learners, we incorporate purposeful reading within our curriculum through the study of sacred texts and a range of fiction /non-fiction books, provided for each class which compliments their learning. 

  • Our bespoke R.E. curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced for our pupils.  

  • Our R.E. curriculum is ambitious for all children, including those with SEND, enabling every child to work to their full potential. 

  • To further enhance our Christian ethos, each R.E. unit of work is introduced through discussion and debate using ‘big questions’ that explore the awe and wonder of God’s world and our place within it (for example, when introduced to the unit of Hinduism, Year Four pupils discuss ‘Why is important we accept others? How can we help others who don’t accept different ideas?’ after reading Romans 15:7 ‘Christ accepted you, so you should accept each other. This will bring glory to God’.  



  • Our R.E. curriculum is purposeful and engaging (for example, in Year Four pupils write interview questions which they then use to interview a visiting Christian). 

  • The key concepts within our R.E. lessons are regularly revisited through our spiral curriculum. This enables our pupils to know more and remember more about the theological concepts taught. 

  • Our children access their Religious Education through high quality teaching during which they participate in a wide range of learning experiences such as debate, written tasks, creative tasks, drama and reflection. 

  • There is a strong focus on pupils using religious vocabulary in written tasks, debate and discussion activities and in their oral contributions during lessons. 

  • All our R.E lessons build upon prior learning and have clearly defined end points. 

  • In R.E. lessons, teachers check pupils’ understanding effectively identifying and correcting misunderstandings. 

  • As part of our R.E. curriculum, enrichment activities are included where possible (for example Year Five have an R.E. day based upon their Gospels unit and Year Four have a visit from a member of the Salvation Army to enhance their People of God unit). 


  • We evaluate the knowledge, skills and understanding that children have gained in their R.E. lessons against carefully planned end points to measure progression. 

  • Our R.E. curriculum ensures children have the knowledge and cultural capital to succeed in the next steps of their education. 

  • In the rigorous monitoring of the R.E. curriculum, we constantly strive for improvement through review and evaluation.