Art Statement
Our curriculum inspires and challenge pupils to experiment and create their own pieces of art.
Our art curriculum equips children with an understanding of cultures from around the world, and their history, allows them to be creative and explore their ideas and record and evaluate their experiences.
The children learn about great artists, craft makers and designers, understanding historical and cultural development of art forms.
Our art curriculum is broad and balanced. It is taught as a discrete subject as we believe this approach immerses our children within art, encourages them to use artistic vocabulary and begin to explore and analyse the world as an artist.
Where meaningful, our art curriculum has links with other subjects so that our children broaden their understanding and apply their learning to different contexts (for example, in the Year Three lesson on Seeing Different Shapes, links are made with Maths in Geometry).
The children are exposed to an array of different types of mediums and are able to practice their drawing, painting, sculpture and other art and design techniques inside their sketchbooks.
Our art curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced for all our children.
Our art curriculum is ambitious for all our children, including those with SEND, enabling every child to work to their full potential.
In keeping with our Christian ethos, each art unit of work is introduced through discussion and debate around ‘big questions’ that explore the awe and wonder of God’s world and our place within it (for example, when introduced to the unit of Formal Elements Year Four children discuss the question, ‘Why did God make us all different?’
Our art curriculum is purposeful and engaging (for example, in learning about designing for a purpose Year Five children look at coats of arms, designing a room, developing design ideas, product names and adverts)
The key concepts within our art lessons are regularly revisited through our spiral curriculum, this enables our children to know more and remember more about art.
Children access their art lessons through high quality teaching during which they participate in a wide range of engaging learning experiences such as creating craft puppets, making sculptures from recycled materials, learning to edit photos and designing a building.
There is a stong focus on children using art vocabulary in discussion activities and in their oral contributions during lessons.
All art lessons build upon prior learning and have clearly defined end points.
In art lessons, teachers check pupils’ understanding effectively, identifying and correcting misunderstandings.
As part of our curriculum, enrichment activities such as looking at a range of different Columbian artists within in year groups. This allows the children to have a better understanding of the Columbian culture in order to have better links with the charity organisation Stand By Me.
We evaluate the knowledge, skills and understanding that children have gained in their art lessons against carefully planned end points to measure progression.
Our art curriculum ensures children have the knowledge, creativity, independence, judgement and self- reflection to develop their personal development.
In the monitoring of the art curriculum, we constantly strive for improvement through review and evaluation.
Individual sketchbooks are used throughout the school to from Year 3 to Year 6 showing the progression, skills and techniques learnt in KS2.