Autumn One Year Three - How you can support your child at home
English: English skills with story or challenge game modes can be found here: KS2 English free game - Grammar, spelling and punctuation for primary school pupils - Crystal Explorers - BBC Bitesize Please also ensure that your child is reading for at least 10 minutes each day and talk to them about their book.
Maths: Ensure that your child is using TTrockstars at home – this should be 15 minutes a day to ensure fluency. Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars ( Please ask your child's class teacher for their login if they have forgotten. Also, to practice times tables and other mental maths they can play memory games such as Hit the Button - Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Encourage your child to explain the maths concepts and skills they are learning to you - they could play the role of a teacher. Activities that you can do with your child to improve a range of their maths skills can be found here: Primary Parents ( Practice their arithmetic skills to improve speed and accuracy. There are many free resources that help with this such as - Tools for Maths Teachers.
Science: To support your child in their learning you could visit : You could also ask your child questions about their body to get them thinking scientifically.
History: The British Museum has many galleries devoted to Ancient Civilisations including Ancient Egypt. An example is Room 4 which is devoted to the world of the Egyptian Sculpture There are a range of virtual tours that can also be found of the galleries via the British Museum’s website: Galleries | British Museum. Follow links in each room to virtual tours.
Geography: Watch and encourage your child to learn the continents song:
Computing: For support in keeping your child safe online:
Art: Pupils would benefit from researching different artistic prehistoric pieces. Click on this website for further support: Egyptian Art | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (
PE: Pupils will be developing their PE skills and knowledge this half term in hockey and ballet. In order to research and practice these sports, please see the following resource: Physical Education KS1 / KS2: Let's Get Active - BBC Teach
PSHE: In order to support your pupil, you can discuss with them things that make them unique, as well as what their hopes, dreams and goals for the year are. For further information, please see the following link: I Am Unique - Young Citizens
RE: Familiarise your child with creation stories. Watch:
French: This website will help children to consolidate their understanding of different greetings in French French Greetings - Match up (