Dear parents and carers,
Parents, carers, it has been wonderful to see so many of you at school this week, speaking with your child(ren)'s teacher to see and hear the progress that have made along with areas for continued development. All the research shows that when parents and carers take an active interest in the education of their children, and work in partnership with the school, they make much more progress and thrive at school. In that spirit, if you have been unable to speak to your child's teacher do please make an appointment to see them. All of our teachers are very keen to meet all parents and carers within their class. That said, I am aware that those who have pupils in 3P have been unable to meet the teacher due to staff illness. I do apologise for this; we are working on a solution.
Today we have celebrated World Book Day. Well done to every family who has made an effort with either costumes or sending their child into school in their nightwear. Also, a huge well done to the staff who have embraced this occasion and joined in with all the fun. Throughout the day we have story sessions, book reviews along with a wide range of other activities that you can read about below.
Finally, I would like to give a reminder about PE kits. Children should be bringing PE kits to school. Sometimes PE days do change hence kits should be in school everyday and washed at the weekends. We no longer have any spare kit as what we have loaned to pupils has not been returned. PE is a National Curriculum subject: participation is not optional. Children should not be arriving in school in their kits. Changing for PE is much more hygienic - especially for our older pupils - and also teaches valuable skills such as taking responsibility for your uniform and dressing yourself, which some children do find difficult. As I have said before, sadly William Ford is in the top 10% of schools nationally for childhood obesity hence it is imperative that all pupils engage in high quality sport, dance and gymnastics each week. Thank you for your support in this matter.
I pray you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mr. David Huntingford