Dear parents and carers,
They're back! Yes the playground team have returned, and this week work has begun to instal our multi surface sports pitch. Not only will this further improve PE lessons (please recall what was said previously about PE kits) but will also provide a fantastic resource for break and lunchtimes. Already we have utilised our sports coaches from Kick to run mini football tournaments at lunchtimes, alongside William Ford staff to keep children active, and it will be great to be able to utilise this space for such experiences.
My tour of lessons continues, and this week I have had the pleasure of meeting our pupils in role as scriptwriters, travel agents and TV presenters! And through all of this it has been great to see the pupils developing the knowledge and skills in various subjects whilst considering what career they may pursue in the future.
Linked in with our career focus, we have also been celebrating STEM week. Year Three enjoyed a wonderful visit today from a scientist led workshop called, 'Silly Science.' One child reported, 'This is the best day of my life!' It was fantastic to see so many children getting excited by science: increasing their knowledge and considering the world of science for their future employment!
I pray you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mr. David Huntingford