Dear parents and carers,
Everybody should have received two important letters from me this week. Below I will summarise the main points. If you did not receive these letters please do check your email junk/spam boxes and then contact the school office to ensure we have the correct email address.
Change to length of the school day
Following on from new government legislation, that comes into effect in September 2023, we will be increasing the length of our school day by 10 minutes.
For the next academic year:
- 8:35am school gates and classrooms open
- 8:45am all children to be sat in class. Any child entering the classroom after this time will be recorded as late. The school is required to take action against families where pupils are persistently late. Main gates will close and children will need to enter via the office.
- 3:15pm pupils will be released from the classroom when parents/carers are seen or will release pupils if permission to walk home alone has been agreed.
NEU Strike Action
Currently, William Ford will only be open for pupils in Years Four and Five. This is because these year groups have the greatest number of non-striking staff, and they are the next closest to having exams. We will also be running a provision for vulnerable children (EHCP, children with a social worker and children under the care of the local authority). Unfortunately we will not be able to accept any other pupils on these days.
Community Month
Our community month activities continue with Year Six providing a massive support to Dagenham Parish Church in improving their gardens and more pupils supporting our local care home.
Road safety magic show
As we are one of the highest performing schools for the number of pupils who now walk to school, we were awarded a free magic show which took place on Monday. Not only was this thrilling and engaging, but it also reminded all pupils of the importance of road safety, whether they walk, cycle or scoot to school.
Welcome to our new pupils and parents
This week I have had the privilege of visiting Village Infants to share with their children all about the wonderful experiences and education we offer here at William Ford. We also held our transition meeting for parents where our choir sang to them on arrival, and they had the opportunity to tour our excellent facilities.
Congratulations to William Ford FC
Our Year Six football team reached the finals of the borough cup. This is an immense achievement and the first time ever William Ford have been in the final. Unfortunately they did lose against a very strong Northbury Primary side but nevertheless, they played extremely well, coming second out of 35 other schools who choose to participate. Very well done to all the boys to Mr. Harrington for his excellent coaching.
I pray you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mr. David Huntingford