Year Three
We can hardly believe that it is only the second week back after the Christmas break as we have already covered such a lot. We hope the children have been telling you all about their lessons this week.
What we have learnt about this week
In maths, we have continued to focus on the basics of multiplication. We have learnt about odd and even numbers through a fun game. We have also focussed on the multiples of 2,5 and 10.
In our English lessons we have continued learning about non-chronological writing. We have created our own questions based on a text and also retrieved information from the text to answer questions. In addition, the children have chosen a country and begun to research it, in preparation for writing their own non-chronological report next week. In grammar, we have introduced writing in the present tense and also learnt about coordinating conjunctions as well as main and subordinating clauses.
In R.E. this week, the pupils learnt how Judaism was founded through the story of Abraham.
We began a new design and technology unit this week in which we will design and make an Egyptian collar. In this week's lesson we looked at some examples of these and discussed the colours, patterns and styles.
What we will learn about next week
In maths next week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing by 3 and 4.
In English, the children will continue to consolidate the use of the present tense and will write and edit their own non-chronological report.
In R.E. we will be learning more information about the Torah scroll.
In design and technology next week we will be beginning to use our previous learning to inform our own design for an Egyptian collar.