Year Three
What we have learnt about this week
This week in English, the children finished researching a country of their choice and then wrote about it in the style of a non-chronological report.
In maths, we have continued to focus on multiplication and have looked closely at multiplying by 3 and 4 using a range of strategies and problem solving.
In science the children have learnt how fossils are made.
In this week's history lesson we looked at a range of sources to inform us of the types of activity the Ancient Egyptians enjoyed during their leisure time.
What we will learn about next week
In English we will continue with our book 'Around the World in Eighty Days and the children will practise a number of comprehension strategies, such as retrieval, explanation of new vocabulary and inference. We will also be practising our dictionary skills and improving our understanding of alphabetical order.
In maths, we will be looking at multiplying and dividing by 8. As the multiplication work is becoming more challenging, it is evident which children are working hard to learn their facts on TT Rockstars and those who need to develop a much more secure knowledge of these. Please encourage your child to practise these regularly as it will really help their understanding in class.
Each class has now completed their own volcanic island, and we will be using alphanumeric coordinates to locate features of their island next week.
Year Three will be celebrating Egyptian Day next Friday. The day will be full of exciting and varied activities based upon our history curriculum. It would be lovely if the children could join the staff in dressing up as Ancient Egyptians. This could be made easily from an old white sheet or a large white T-shirt. Many thanks for your continued support.