Year Four
It has been a great start back to school and we are so proud of the children's positive attitude to learning. We have begun some new topics and are already in the swing of getting stuck into our interesting learning topics!
What we have learnt about this week
This week, we have started and completed our assessments as part of our termly assessments in Maths, Reading and Spelling, punctuation and grammar. In English, we have started our topic based on: How to train your dragon. We looked at pronouns.
In Maths, we continued out topic on fractions looking at subtracting fractions from whole numbers.
In humanities, we continued our topic of Europe in geography, looking at the capital city of Sweden - and what features make it unique. In history, we studied why Britian became part of the Roman Empire. In RE, we identified ways in which Christians demonstrate their belief in Jesus.
In PE, we started a new sport called Goalball, which is a paralympic sport - involving blindfolds and a large ball with bells inside. We had great fun.
What we will learn about next week
Next week, we will get stuck in to our new book, looking at the blurb and making predictions, as well as learning about the key characters.
In humanities, we will be learning about the revolt and battle between Boudicca and the Romans. In RE, we will looking at how Christians show their belief in and ways in which they celebrate the Holy communion.
We hope you have a wonderful and restful weekend!