Year Five
We have enjoyed welcoming everyone back after half-term as the Year 5 children begin to prepare for Year 6.
What we have learnt about this week
Our new class reader this term is 'The Nowhere Emporium' and this week we have been predicting what the story might be about. Using the beginning of the book, we have written our own descriptive, atmospheric settings.
In maths, we have been adding and subtracting decimals. We have used our new knowledge, along with our previous learning about tenths and hundredths, to solve reasoning and worded problems.
As part of their new science topic, the children dissected and investigated parts of a flowering plant and in history they found out about the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, and considered all the learning that went on there.
What we will learn about next week
Our maths will continue with looking at efficient ways of adding and subtracting decimals with differing numbers of decimal places.
In English, we will delve deeper into our reading and begin to look at the characters before writing our own character descriptions.
In geography, we will be looking at the causes and effects of flooding rivers,