Year Three
It has been a real joy to welcome all of our new Year 3 pupils and to witness how calmly they have settled into their new surroundings and how well they have adapted to new expectations.
What we have learnt about this week
We have now completed our first full week and the children have been working very hard across all curriculum subjects.
In English, the children have been introduced to our shared reading book, 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx', which we will be basing our literacy work on this half-term. The children have practised writing expanded noun phrases and have used these when writing a character description.
In maths, we have focused on place value and the children have represented numbers using different models and using a variety of resources to support their understanding.
In science, we have begun our new topic 'Animals including humans' by looking at bones within the human body and their various functions.
The children have also had their first handwriting lesson using our new handwriting scheme, and they produced some lovely, neat joins.
Most children have now received their home reading books. Please read with your child for 10 minutes each day. This will make an enormous difference to their progress over the coming year. Please also sign the diary, noting down the pages you have read, as this really helps us monitor progress and reading levels. Thank you for your support.
What we will learn about next week
Next week we will be looking at pronouns in grammar and using these when writing a description of Marcy.
In maths, we are going to continue with our place value work but will be moving onto larger numbers up to 1000.
In science, we will be learning about vertebrates, invertebrates and animals with exoskeletons.
On Friday we will have the exciting opportunity to watch the students of the Royal Ballet performing for us before we begin our own ballet lessons with a teacher from the Royal Ballet School, which will begin the following week.