Year Four
This week in Year 4, we have been immersed in a variety of engaging activities across different subjects.
What we have learnt about this week
In English, the children have been working on non-chronological reports about South Africa, which has allowed them to explore the culture and geography of this vibrant country.
In Maths, we have initiated our topic on measurements, focusing particularly on understanding and calculating perimeter. The students have been enthusiastic about applying their knowledge in practical contexts.
In Science, the class has been investigating the viscosity of various liquids, providing a hands-on experience that has sparked their curiosity about properties of materials.
In Art, the pupils have been using charcoal to create striking images, enhancing their creative skills and artistic expression.
We concluded the week with a delightful celebration of India Day, where the children prepared curry, naan bread, and barfi sweets. Additionally, they crafted beautifully decorated diva lamps.
What we will learn about next week
Next week in Year 4, we have an engaging range of activities planned across our subjects. In English, students will continue reading the captivating novel Journey to Jo'burg, which provides a brilliant window into the lives and struggles faced in South Africa.
In Maths, we will focus on practising and consolidating our understanding of perimeter, ensuring that students develop confidence in measuring and calculating dimensions effectively.
In Religious Education, we will delve into the fascinating Hindu festival of Diwali, exploring its significance and the traditions that accompany this vibrant celebration.
Finally, in History, we will discover the neolithic settlement of Skara Brae. This remarkable site will enable students to learn how historians gather information about the late Stone Age and understand the lives of people during this period.